Some people, by their innate nature, live a very contented and balanced life even though they have not realised their true self as limitless awareness. They are happy with their role-playing, conceptual identity, and function very compassionately and diligently in the practical world, indulging in no evil deeds or thoughts. Could they also be thought of as karma-yogis although they lack the attitude of Ishwara arpanam and prasada buddhi? Are such people making a mistake for not striving to seek their true identity as the Gita teaches us? And what are the eventual implications of living out their life in such happy ignorance? – Sudhir Jain


Yes, some people are naturally centred, and this is because of the way they lived in their previous lives. If they try to gain self-knowledge, they will be able to understand it and own it up too. If they don’t, it means they have hit a plateau in their growth, and will remain there until they recognize the need for self-knowledge. They are in error as much as they have yet to understand the reality. At the same time, they are good people leading good productive lives. They will remain on the plateau until something makes them want to grow again. It may be an event that challenges them or exposure to the teaching or even to this blog!

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